Saturday, August 30, 2008

iPhone Easter Egg

Read here about the lady ‘tester’ who snapped picture of her during testing the iPhone and ‘perhaps forgot to delete it’…(read)

Now, when I buy a new wallet next time, I hope somebody would leave a cold hard cash in it… hahaha


Lab papa said...

Sa suda check, buli2 juga itu amoi hahahaha.

p/s Sa pula harap2 buka buku akaun dalam dia suda da melion melion rm hahahaha

Hombidai said...

hahahaha good one lab papa

MJ Diaries said...

Wah..glamour la makcik tester tu kan?

Hombidai said...

MJ - sumandak tu.. bukan makcik LOL

Poppet said...

ala... napa teda gambar tu sumandak sini... mo tinguk juga hehehehe

Lab papa said...


ala search ja di internet ada tu hehehehehe..kiut juga oh, mungkin photogenic?

Poppet said...

oooo mungkin yg paling glamer di kilang tu mengkali hehehehe