Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympic dress codes...

Read here about about how the colour of underwear becomes an issue in the Beijing 2008

I never knew there was such a thing though..

I have never come across such ‘dress codes’ when I was playing cricket at school and college. For all of you who don’t know, the traditional cricket attire is all white. Never did I remember my manager, coaches or captain to instruct us to wear knickers (or underwear) with the same colour as the pants. Once, I saw someone wearing an underwear which is too ‘revealing’ under the pants, but nobody made it an issue. I even wear an array of colours (hahaha) but it never did me any harm (though don't think of me purposely wants to show my undies yaa... hahaha)

Perhaps the Olympics certain codes to follow on dressing or grooming of an athlete…


KaDusMama said...

eeeeeeeeeee....buduh eh!! ada juga kah pulak macam tu???? gila lah!!!

Linachu said...

haha..i just read bout this on yahoo as well! maybe the colour can be distracting?? or maybe just so happen those guys ran out of pakai ja apa yg ada..hehehe

Lab papa said...

This olympic mcm2 ada oh ka, dari yang sedih, sampai la yg lucu mcm cerita spender, seterusnya yg brutal main bula bertumbuk. Mana suda semangat kemanusiaan dan kesukanan yg suppose to be main objective hehehehe.

By the way, jaman asrama pakai yg warna dull saja sebab kalo pakai tu seluar putih ramai yg kesyiokan hahahah

New tag possibility? What color of undies you prefer? hahahaha

Hombidai said...

wah marah betul si kdmama.. hahaha

linachu - yes, i believe dorang ran out of 'white' undies.. maklumlah semua lelaki, malas cuci lagipun time olimpik.. just concentrate playing IMO hehehe

lab papa - time jadi pengawas la yu kan? hahaha.. baru teringat...

new tag?.. hahahaha... bulih tapi adakah orang mau jawab... hahaha gud one lab papa