Saturday, September 20, 2008

IMO, We don't need "IT" too in Sabah...


Just writing my own personal opinion... nothing else... but myself too, in my very honest opinion, that we do not need it, well, in Sabah.

As reported in the linked news.. Sabah too doesn't have racial problems, IMO.

When I was in UM, my senior who is a student leader in PERMASA - Persatuan Mahasiswa Sabah once told me that he was once asked by one of the Univerity officers who is in-charged of students's relations - why we, Sabahan students, can mix together in our PERMASA although we are multi-racial and religions. The senior told me his answer... "Orang Sabah memang macam tu.."

Just my own personal opinion bah...

(I have edited my title a bit as it have mislead two of my friend here.. hehehe.. un-intentionally bah.. ~ teringat pula lagu "I.T."..)


Lab papa said...

True in deed, We Sabahan can mix with anybody, including the special pil**s, in peace, IMHO.

Poppet said...

bila sia nmpk ni title, sia terkezut sikijap.. si Hombidai rasa tia perlu IT di Sabah? Then apa yg dia mo guna utk blogging nanti? hehehehe I tot IT = Information Technology... tapi bila suda hop pi sini baru lah sia faham... Yup, setuju... tia perlu the act.. although we do hv prob with the non-Sabahan yg tuuu... yg ada persatuan yg ditubuhkan oleh lab papa khas utk drg2 ni :).Lab papa faham tu kan..

Anonymous said...

Yes, I don't think we need it in Sabah, my bosses masa in Jabatan air dulu were mostly Chinese. This is just my personal belief and I've been attacked before because of this... I am waiting to see when the Malaysia government would consider Indian and Chinese as real Malaysians and give them scholarship, government assistance, etc. Not all Chinese and Indian are rich, even though it is in Malaysian law that only Bumiputras are eligible for government assistance, what about Chinese and Indians who have been loyal citizens to the country? Forget about their ancestors who came all the way from China and India many years ago, same as my ancestors, they came from Brunei and Pakistan. So why deny their rights and not mine? If they were born in the country then they are citizens and should be given their citizenship rights. So if the government is ever so worried that the Chinese is going to prosper if they are given scholarship then why not do it based on income??? We have that rule for Bumiputras too, if your income exceeds certain figure,then your children cannot get scholarship. So apply the same rule to the Chinese and Indians and don't deny scholarships and government assistance because of the race! Jeez!

That is just my personal belief. Sorry hombidai panjang pulak sia punya comments.

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

sia pun macam poppet.. ingatkan IT yang tu. Btw, i also think we dont need it.

Hombidai said...

lab papa - sadly, mgkin tu juga penyebab penduduk tempatan istimewa 'merebak' dgn mudah.. huhu

poppet - ya kan, nda sedar pula sia - misleading title - hehehe

aza - ok bah. sia pun selalu komen memanjang di 'rumah' ko..

rin-chan - ko pun kena mislead oleh sia... hehehe.. un-intentionally bah

apapun.. begitulah bah tu kan yg beralku sekarang... camna lagi...

KaDusMama said...

Itu lah kelebihan kita orang sabah..hehehe when i was in uni dolu2 and my other sabahan and sarawakian friends can mixed around sama suma orang..nda kira apa bangsa or agama..
heran juga my coursemate tingu kami becampur2 sama orang lain..dorang cakap ganjil..!