Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pure ramblings...

Yesterday, I was ‘gerai-hopping’ (something like blog-hopping lah) through the Ramadan stalls near my office. As I approached one of the stalls, I saw one sign which read ‘Pedal – RM3.00’. It was a stall selling food and I said to myself “what is this? Pedal? Like bicycle pedal?’… but I don’t see any ‘pedals’ in there… just some kind of food.” So, curiously, I approached the stall and it turns out to be ‘bedal’, not ‘pedal’… haiyaaa.. some signs

Then, as I walk around, I saw people wearing t-shirts with amusing words on them. One says “This is funny! Enjoy! 27” – what is funny about that?.. Then another one is “Power to the possessive” – errr… what was that all about…

When I was very young, my elder sister once scolded my cousin who wears a t-shirt with “Free Girl!!” emblazoned on her chesty chest… my sister says “Ko perempuan ‘free’ kah?”. Well, perhaps it means otherwise but it does mean "perempuan percuma" kan? Never saw her with that t-shirt after that. Some t-shirts in the market do have funny writings on them… I believe you all encounter one before kan?.. or even wore one of them, perhaps? Hahahaha

Then today, I bought a note pad, as the current pad is already full. This one have a nice cover, simple, good size, but wait.. there is some words on its cover..

The first line says “Sport is full of passion, is the symbol of life” – hmm.. well, okay..

Second line says like this though “Come, let us wandering around in a passionate campaign!”.

Err…what has sports got to do with ‘passionate campaign’. And ‘wandering around’?.. what was that all about… bengong...

Some things around us do ‘tickles’ the mind. Well, perhaps it’s good for me because at the moment I am ‘purely stressed out’. I don’t want to be a ‘garbage truck’ when I am ‘cheesed off’ with anybody…

Hahahaha…heheheheh… bah.. just my ramblings


Lab papa said...

Well, di KK belambah kereta yg tampal sticker Jipun sebab nampak santik and look like Jipun punya 'hashiriya'-kaki kereta.

Ada 2 cth yg bikin sa katawa tu ari

1. Spark plug..basar2 kana tampal di badan kereta

2. Beginilah aku...basar di bonet..sampai 2 lagi sticker tu

Anyways, tu kereta derang apa derang mo buat pun tepa la...kikiki

Anonymous said...

Is the notebook made in Japan? I only noticed products that are made in Japan that have English words on them have strange meanings. I think they make sense in Japanese language (maybe, I don't know) but they certainly don't make sense in English.

Hehe.. aku pun ndak tau apa tu "bedal" apa lagi "pedal". I'm so outdated on new Malaysian foods :(

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

haha at first i thought pedal = pecal sekalinya bedal pula.

Za, bedal tu kalu nda silap is gizzard. Quite keras one. Any expert can confirm this? Tapi RM3, for 1 packet ka? Macam mahal juga.

Lab papa said...

yes rin-chan your are correct, actually the true BM is hempedal.

Aza, for japs, derang teda kisah tu engRish correct or not sebab bagi derang anything yang ada engRish is branded and of high quality, ala mcm org kita pakai baju tulisan jipun dan kereta mcm sa kasi cth tu la, ntah apa maksud tia tau pun..janji nampak machooosssss

Anonymous said...

Ya kah labpapa, huhu... kdg2 funny dan emo diorang punya Engrish tu.

Oh pedal tu kalau kami panggil "hati" saja bah. Ingatkan makanan baru... macam roti john.. itu belum mkn lagi tu. Nanti balik sabah makan.

Hombidai said...

lab papa - hahaha.. ya bnyk yg suka2 tampal sticker jipun.. ntah apa2 lah maksud dia kan... hehehe.. bila ko balik, kita buat survey pasal ni ... hehehe

aza - roti john.. hahaha, baru mau try makan... ko minta courier? ada di bawah upis sia jual ni makanan.. hahaha

rin-chan - ntah lah tapi sia pun rasa mcm mahal ja tu 'pedal' kan? nasib sia bukan peminat 'pedal' hahaha

betul kata lab papa, tia peduli tulisan di baju, janji machoosss or santik...

ramai amoi2 kiut-kiut sia nampak tapi bila tengo tulisan di baju... alalala... nda kiut turus bah..

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

alamak sedapnya roti john.. yum yum... roti john is like roti tampal. Pakai hotdog bun, belah dua, tampal sama mixed telur + chicken/beef, fried and thats it.

Lab papa: now i know the correct name is hempedal. Selama ni panggil bedal ja.

Lab papa said...

roti john sa buat sendiri jak sini hahahahahaha...

KaDusMama said...

pedal...not yang keras2 dalam perut ayam tu kah?? ahahaha not really sure, but i think its the one lah..

Poppet said...

pedal..bedal.. hempedal.. yg keras-keras tu lah.. bukan yg hati.
I remember dulu siapun curious apa tu tulisan jipunyg kena tampal2 di kereta org.. sampai sia tanya lab papa... yg spark plug sticker tu klu inda silap sia ada tanya juga tu sama lab papa... berabis sia ketawa bila tau