Saturday, October 11, 2008

David J. Pollay mentioned me in his blogs... yayyy!!!

Do you all remember about my posting on The Law of Garbage Truck?

Well, I was googling around and was very surprised to see my name on his blogs.. initially I though I am going to be sued or something bad...

But, no. You can read it here... (phew!!)

To enlighten you all, David J. Pollay is the author of "The Law of The Garbage Truck"...

On his blog header - "Enjoy everyday. Do what you love. Make a difference" - that's was a good message isn't it?

Anyway, happy weekends to you all my friends and remember the about the Garbage Truck Law...

As David J. Pollay say - "Let's make the world a beautiful place to live...."


carolchs said...

now i understand how you can appreciate Mondays very much ;)

Anonymous said...

:) you just gave me an idea...i'm going to put the "garbage truck law" on my office door

Hombidai said...

chegu - bulih2 juga lah... haha

aza - haha bagus tu aza.. "siapa yg makan pedas nanti terasalah kan" LOL ...

pernah sekali sia kasi lekat 'anger management' di upis lama sia. ngam2 tempat sia dekat pintu pi tandas.. sekali tu bos limpas dari tandas. dia baca.. lepas tu dia tengo sia... tapi tersengih lain-lain ja muka dia...LOL - terasa kali...