Wednesday, August 5, 2009

She didn’t deserve to be called with that words..

Finding good paying job is difficult when you don’t have paper qualifications. My wife found jobs dealing with children with disabilities some 10 years ago. Over the years, she has gained considerable knowledge in this field. And what I admire is that she has become “one” with it. She does not do it just for the sake of the salary but because she has grown to like it. Though, working with NGO’s, the salary isn’t that good either. But again, she is fated to be in this line of job. She have her hearts desire but this is what she do now – teaching children with disabilities.

Currently, she works as a teacher to children with Down syndrome in one of the NGO centre in town. Dealing with children with Down syndrome is one thing, but dealing with their parents is another headache. Though most of the parents are understanding and willing to listen to advice, there are a few ‘bad apples’ too.

Yesterday, she informed me that one of the parent of the kid she is teaching uttered bad words to her “bumiputra are p*k*m*k”. I was so mad when she informed me about it. It;’s like I want to ‘sekeh’ the head of this old retired-man at that moment. How unkind that is towards a person who is trying her best to teach his kid, even more so a kid with Down syndrome.

She told me that this guy is a ‘difficult’ parent. Everyone in the place she works knows about him, including other parents. But it never occurs to her that he will utter such words. And worst is – she didn’t do anything to offend him IMHO.

What happened is like this. Last Sunday, there was the closing of the Bulan Kebajikan at a leading hotel in town. All teachers (including my wife) including parents had to accompany the children who are going to perform that night. Since it ended quite late at night, it was decided and agreed that the centre will be closed on Monday, since the children are tired. Therefore, they inform all parents of whom they can contact about the closure.

However, being a responsible teacher, my wife remembers that one of her children (who did not perform for that night) is not informed. She also did not have the numbers with her. Her other two colleagues didn’t have it too. Therefore, on Monday morning, she takes the effort to go to the Centre, because she believes this knuckle-head parent will come to send his son.

True enough, he was there in the morning waiting at the Centre. She informed and explained to him about the closure. As usual this man will argue “why this and that” etc. That is his nature I suppose. But she ignored whatever he says since she already explained why.

Yesterday, in the front page of a local newspaper, we were shocked to find front-page news that a man had left his son in a locked car under the scorching heat!! Bomba had to be called to rescue the child who is “red and sweating”. Lucky a passer-by saw the child and informed Bomba. Otherwise, as the newspaper wrote, the kid kid could have died!! And you will guess who the guy is. The passer-by also claimed that the man left the child alone in the car and went somewhere else!! (Coincidently I didn’t manage to buy a news that morning)

Yesterday morning that old-man came and uttered the bad words I’ve mentioned to my wife. He blamed my wife for the incident and so on. She was mad of course. She called me and told me about it.

I was angry too, I would like to find the man at that very moment and give him a good “pile-breaker”!! but I told her not to be worried because she has done her job. She came that morning just to check if anyone came, especially the old man. She did it because she is a responsible teacher and not just “forget about it, don’t care” kind of attitude. She did it out of concern and kindness too.

Furthermore I told her that after she informed him about the closure of that centre that morning to the man, she has done her job. Things happened after that is not her responsibility and she can’t be blamed or anything.

But the damage has been done by this very words - “bumiputra p*k*m*k”. What kind of attitude is that? And for an old senior people to utter such words is shocking?? There’s a note of racism in there too!! Shame on him!!

This very person is really a ‘bad apple’ in our society. If it was down to me, they should not be among our community at all.

You see, he is very unkind most of the times, as I was informed. The Centre is put up to assist and help people like him who have children with disabilities particularly Down syndrome. This is not the Peninsular where there are a lot of centres like this. Here in KK or Sabah for that matter, this kind of Center is rare. I believe there’s only one in Sabah for Down syndrome too.

So the act of that man is uncalled for. My wife sense of responsibility and act of kindness is rewarded with “bumiputra p*k*m*k” words. For all she has done to his kid (she is his teacher), my wife do not deserve that..

She didn’t even do anything wrong… cishh!!


carolchs said...

u mean, that very same old man who spat bad words to your wife was the one who left his kid locked inside the car for hours???

Hombidai said...

you're spot on chegu!!

Unknown said...

Your wife is an angel and that man is an evil. She don't deserve to be treated that way after all she have done. If he thinks he is great enough, he wouldn't have said those disheartening words to anyone and leaving his kid in the car alone!! P*K*M*K back to him!!

Anonymous said...

Just turn your cheeks the other away.. People like him are in abundance.. bikin kasi semak dunia.. pedulikan lah dia.

Hombidai said...

Gail - thanks. my wife appreciate your kind words.

Aza - haha..bikin semak dunia..

i told my wife to just ignore the man at all cost, only deals with him on his child issues only..