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What is happening to the world nowadays? Before this there was an Australian man selling his properties plus free 'his life'. Now, there is a lady who also wants to do about the same, but including HERSELF FREE? How about that? Are the world going mad, or there is something wrong with my head?
Wah, very very 'bagus' kan? usually we buy e.g. 5 maggi mee & get 1 free. But since the world are 'canggih-er' nowadays, and because of these two 'pioneers' (or total nutters), we can get humans for free..
Imagine that... crazy? nuts? mad? or just a gimmick to sell their properties? to be creative and inventive? i don't know, but they sure are 'nutters' IMO
'Life's a treat, it's Shaun the sheep... baaaaaa' (nutters!!!)
Neptune In Scorpio 1st House
3 months ago
Aha!.. klu sia biar ja dorang ni.. apa ja dorang mo buat utk cari kebahagiaan hidup..daripada dorang bunuh diri kan... as long as tidak kacau kehidupan sia.. :D
eh..ok bah that..if i the property, then tu free' orang kasi jadi orang gaji kasi bersih tu rumah or maybe bulih jadi tukang kebun juga..ekekekeee
alalala... kdmama : free org gaji best kan.. bulih tulung kasih bersih rumah..hehe
poppet : asal tidak kacau ko buat resipi juga kan?..ehehehe
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