Hehe... don't believe the title.
Just before I 'chow' from my beloved table... I would like to share a joke which I read more than 10 years back in Reader's Digests' Laughter's The Best Medicine.
It goes something like this, though it may not be exactly the same but the meaning is there :-
A science teacher asked a student during a science experiment.
Teacher : What is the name of the chemical you are preparing now?
Student : Errr... errr...
Teacher : C'mon. What is it?
Student : Err.. err..
Teacher : Well? do you know or not?
Student : Err.. well sir, I do know it but.. err.. it's on the tip of my tongue..
Teacher : Well then.. if that is so, you better spit it out quickly because it Hydrochloric Acid!!!
(This joke is dedicated to all educators out there and hmmm... Chegu Carol - she says she had a bright day today... good for you Chegu..)
Good day to all and have a great weekend...
Neptune In Scorpio 1st House
3 months ago
LOL! Thanks Hombidai.
I've received emails as such that have been specially forwarded to me since I am a teacher. I admit, I kinda enjoy those emails. Very entertaining and sometimes, near to truth. Hehehe....
Si Lab Papa menyibuk juga,
Kalu masih buli bercakap gitu mesti HCl yang dilute 100x sudah kan hehehehe
ehm.. trus sia teringat ada org yg suruh student dia buat 2M HCl tapi kasi stock 0.2M HCl.. suruh kira sendiri lagi.. tiada berkenaan dengan post si hombi la hahahaha.. saja mcm lab papa.. menyibuk ja
hahaha lab papa & poppet - kalu benda2 chemical ni mmg kamu yg 'pakar' hahaha
chegu - jadi kami berharap ko makin gembira segembiranya lagi... hahahaha LOL :))
hahaha!! teketawa sia baca komen lab papa..iya bah!! kalau 100 HCL...mampus sudah tu student tu!! akakaka
bah hombi..just want to wish you a wonderful weekend with ur family ya!!
Cant help my self to komen si poppet punya komen,
Hebat sungguh, sepa kah gerangan org yg bagi arahan tu hahahaha...di suruh concetrate atau evaporate air mengkali hahahah
Sa po tekatawa jg o baca ni joke. Hahahahahahaa
Tapi tu komen c poppet lagi lucu kasian org yg kana suruh tu
misti ada kena mengena dgn kamurang bertiga kah ne nika? hehe
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