Friday, October 24, 2008

Nifty New feature for Bloggers...

Hey friend, have you found out about this?

Check out my blogs comment form. See any difference?

Yup. Now we can have our comment form below our posts like the one they have in wordpress...

just go to settings > comments > comment form placement - select 'embedded below post'... nifty eh?


Hombidai said...

Hahahaha.... LOL.... feeewiiit!!!!

I love this new feature... woowieeee...

Lab papa said...

OOO nanti sa tertanya2 juga hehhe

Wemal said...
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Hombidai said...

tu la ada 'branch' baru sia tu lab papa.. berabis sia buat tu sebagai tempat testing dulu takut rosak ni blog.. sb sebelum ni tu pilihan utk feature ni belum ada lagi...

apapun, tengolah apa sia mau buat dgn branch baru tu hehehe

Hombidai said...

tadi punya comment, interesting word verification - seniman. biasanya huruf2 yg entah apa apa

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

sia pun ikut buat la ^^

Hombidai said...

oky rin-chan.. bagus ni feature.. lama sudah sia mau cari.. akhirnya ada juga yippeee

Poppet said...

wohoo pounsikou hombi.. sia pun tukar suda di hehehe, siok lagi begini kan

Hombidai said...

poppet - ya bagus ni format, tapi kalu comment form mcm di tempat Chegu Carol lagi best, boleh komen under each commentor punya comment - but i think tu wordpress saja boleh buat... hehe.

apapun ni pun sudah cukup bagus.. hopefully banyak lagi new features yg kena tambah in the future... baru siok mem'blog' hahaha