Met with Dr Ramesh yesterday afternoon... and I he told us it's Hepatitis B...
Hmm.. the officer of the company who handles the foreign workers medical check up misinformed me. He told me it was Hep. A... so I misinformed you all in my previous posting. Doctor confirmed it's Hepatitis B. So I don't have to worry about JJ or wifey, as it is not contagious. Dr Ramesh explained everything clearly to us.. so thanks very much to Dr Ramesh
But whatever it is, it's our Government regulations that any foreign worker with this kind of disease will not be permitted to work in our country. Full stop.
Now, I have to find solutions to my problem again.
Pity my wife. Pity my JJ...
Neptune In Scorpio 1st House
3 months ago
Aik?? napa sa punya komen tia masuk?? buat balik la..
I hope you can solve your problem within a short time. Sabarlah kio
Sa tetap tia puas ati sama tu company yg gave wrong information...walaupun A and B, kalo penyakit yg lagi bahaya
Apa2 pun tu illegal yg masuk uncontrollable p sabah lagi banyak penyakit...
can't u get local maids?
yalah.. macamana bulih misinformed oo.. bah, hopefully u'll find the solution real soon.
jiayou! (ikut style Yinok cakap sama Gildong heheheh)
lab papa - hehe knp komen ko lab papa? tu lah, nasib tu Dr buat appointment dgn kami. tp tu Dr mmg bagus. kalu klinik lain? x sure pula camna & apa akan jadi kan. that's why kami request minta check tu klinik...
aza - we would if there are any and good. but it is very rare that local will take up the job. in fact, my first one is a local but "tidak boleh pakai' lah... my JJ also didn't like her - a sign that the nanny is not good.
rin-chan - ooo begitu pula sebutan dia tu kan... hehehe (sia ikut jang na ra punya istail... hehe)
susah mo cari maid nowadays kan.
banyak tu yg mo cari kerja actually but thing is...they dont have proper documents.
bayaya oh.
hope you get this matter solved a.s.a.p. kio!
tu lah chegu... (sigh!) camna lagi.. kena mengharungi benda mcm ni juga.. hehe (sigh! lagi)
Mula2 sa post comment, bila sa takan tu button post terus suma ilang..kosong..biasalah tu tech prob
o i see lab papa ... bikin frust kan.. sudah taip banyak2.. ilang pula... kena taip balik...
hombi.. mcm mana situasi ko pasal amah ni.. memang skrg susah mo cari amah oo.. sudahlah drg demand gaji tinggi dan ramai juga yg tia mo kena jamin..which I think sebab dia.. drg tia mo terikat sama satu majikan jadi senang drg mo lumpat2 pi majikan lain..
hope ko dpt cari yg bagus.. locals masalah dia cepat naik kepala pula.. demand lebih2 lepas tu kerjapun kurang. Ada cleaner kami ckp ada niece dia dr ranau yg teda kerja sebab takat PMR ja.. tapi blum confirm mo kerja kah tidak.. nanti dia tanya dia bilang hari tu..
ada beberapa org juga ni kawan sia yg cari amah ni skrg
poppet - tu lah masalah kita yg ada budak2 ni kan.. amah org asing pun ada problem, lagilah kalu local...
ya betul, mmg jual mahal org asing... pandai demand
local pula mmg x concentrate mo keja & also demand higher pay like my very first maid.. sia suruh dia jaga JJ sj.. x perlu masak, x perlu cuci rumah etc bcos sia faham gaji kena bagi kicil... but still x boleh juga. main hp setiap masa dgn BF dia lagi haiyaaa
ya lah hombidai. masa sia kecik pun, of all the maids/nannies that took care of me (excluding my own relatives lah kan, of course i like them more than non-relatives), i like the philipino maid the most... my nanny yang local tidak bulih harap, she accused me of slapping her face and that time i was 10 years old. i remember my mom asked me why i hit her, because she told my mom that was the reason she quit but i think because she just tidak tahan kerja. even if i did hit her, i was 10 years old for God's sake. i probably didn't know what i was doing...
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