Friday, November 14, 2008

My oh my...


My oh my… my JJ is getting naughtier by the day…

He runs here and there

He climbs the chairs and tables

He plays with the water inside the toilet bowl

He explores the balcony and under the table

He scatters all his toys all over the floor

He plays with the TV and radio remote controls

He gets bored in the house

He know how to request to go outside the house for a walk

He cries if we don’t entertain his request

He ignores his parents when we say "don't do that"

He makes me and my wife’s hands full

Yupp.. though JJ is only one little ‘kid’, two grown up adults – his parents – could not even handle him alone.. LOL!!

When he was still a little baby… both of his parents could not wait for him to grow up faster – we have been warned though!!!

So, when he started his first steps, his parents were very delighted. His mom quickly bought him a pair of walking shoes – again we have been warned!!

Now, when he is running all by himself… wow!!! (you can read back the above list, though it’s only some of them, yes, only some of them… hahaha)

In about 5 months time, JJ will be two years old. My brother has ‘informed’ me that this period of time is called - The Terrible Two. Why? Because children will start talking. And when they can talk to you, they can answer you back whatever you say to them. So imagine if you told them not to do something or ‘scolded’ them – they talk back to you!! Question you why cannot do this or that. (that is what I have been warned!! LOL!!)

Ahhh yess… I can’t wait for JJ to talk and I want to hear how his voice sounds and what kind of words he will ‘say’ to me and his mom. Yeah… I’ve taken care of my niece and nephews when they are small… but I was in primary school at that time and I don’t quite remember how they speak to me. Now, I am a dad to JJ and I am looking forward for that day…

I know it’s not an easy thing to take care of children, especially your own and they test your patience, sometimes, to the maximum!!

But I am looking forward to all that … (but please JJ, don’t be too naughty… hehehe)


Anonymous said...

The first time I saw my friend scolded his 1-year old son was last week, his son was pushing the TV power button on and off... susah juga kan, mau marah nanti tu budak jadi pendiam & penakut at the same time you want the kid to express his/her opinions freely... As long as when they grow up they know what is good and bad I guess it's okay.

Hombidai said...

That's the dilemma raising your own kids Aza... if you scold them, takut pula as you say.. but then, if you don't scold them - nanti jadi manja and spoiled pula kan.. that's why it's not easy

Lab papa said...

Kiutnya si JJ,

Sa tia tahan ketawa sama wifey yg tu main air toilet bowl. Aduila..da sama cam sepupu sa masa kici2 juga. Sa punya si kici W pun suda pandai katuk2. Malam2 kalo dia bangun dia garut2 tu dinding. Plus, dia suka juga hampas2 tu keyboard. Sama cam si JJ juga nih heheheh.

Hombidai said...

hampas2 keyboard.. hahaha.. dia pun sudah tau apa guna tu keyboard mungkin.. nanti ko suruh dia 'taip-menaip' lab papa & kasi post hasil dia.. hahaha

kalu JJ pula suka kacau tu mouse, lagipun mouse sia ada tu lampu-lampuan.. sia pernah cuba bagi tu mouse yg tdk kena pakai, tapi dia tidak mau.. dia mau juga yg ada 'lampu' hahaha

hahaha, nanti dorang dua2 sudah besar - boleh ber'chat' sudah nanti haha

MJ Diaries said...

Cute la JJ ni. Cheaky look..Macam banyak betul trick dalam kepala dia. Anyway, tu normal tu. Ndak payah marah2. Nanti kita yang stress. Satu ja yang kena ingat, thru my experience.. consistency when you create rules. Satu lagi, when you said "don't do that" bgtau dia apa yang "dia boleh buat". So, dia boleh kasi beza...mula2 memang penat, tapi bila dia besar sikit, benda tu lekat dalam kepala dia. You'll be suprised satu hari dia pulak yang bgtau what can or can't you do.

KaDusMama said... daughter is going to be 2 years old next month, and she is already showing the rebellious side of her! Kecil2 pandai melawan sudah nie..haha!!
Palan2 ko hombi..memang pening tu masa anak umur 2 - 4 tahun..apa lagi kalau kejajalan dorang sampai panjat sana sini..ko memang susah hati jak selalu tu..thats what i've been through when my son was in his phase..but..i think, my son is still in his terrible phase lah..hahahah!! belum over lagi..