Friday, November 21, 2008

Thank you Lord..

In all my 32 years of life in this beautiful world we call home.. I have met with two car accidents (thank God.. balis-balis). The second one happened yesterday noon..

It’s definitely not my fault. I know it and the guy who hit me (or rather my good ol’ Kalabau) did admit it too.

It happened at the traffic light in front of the Karamunsing Police station. I was from Jalan Bukit Nenas (I think that is the road name) and was just passing the road heading towards KK/ Asia City when suddenly, I saw from the corner of my eyes, a black thing zooming like a bullet.. and suddenly crash boom bang!!! Hit my Kalabau’s rear wheel section… (He is coming down from KK).

In a few moments I feel like … I don’t know.. I can’t really describe it. Maybe it was something like an emptiness and blankness from the ‘blink-of-an-eye’ moment. My Kalabau had turned and now I was facing the opposite direction on the wrong lane… “oh my” I said in my mind..

After that, I opened my door and saw the guy at the other side screaming and yelling at me.. as if it my fault. When I recovered from that few seconds, I walk towards him, without even caring about the cars passing me by and shouted and yelled back at him.. giving a piece of my mind. I believe I have never been angrier than this my whole life (but It never come to my mind to punch him though.. It was surprising I was able to control myself in this situation..).

In that few minutes or so.. that guy tried to ‘subdue’ me by saying his was right and I am not. But I am very confident I went off during green light. I am also very sure, as when my car is turning to face the wrong direction, all the other cars has not moved yet. And I realised that the guy sneaked through the emergency lane without even stopping at the red!!

Well.. thinking back during the whole episode, I realised that I become more calmed and focused during that very moment (luckily). Managed to analyse the whole situation quickly and decide on my actions… Though, when I came back home, I really couldn’t sleep at all thinking about what happened yesterday..

But I am okay now, still shakenbut not stirred.. my good ol’ Kalabau is only dented just above the rear wheel but it sure cost RM600 to repair!!

I thank God because although I am a sinner, He loves me and still allow me to live in this beautiful place for another day… Thank you Lord.

Thinking back, if I was a little bit slower… I don’t think I am able to post this and perhaps won’t be able to updates my blogs for a long time or visit my friends’ blog.. or even, you won’t be reading my ramblings here anymore….

Thank you God..

(I am not a good writer, so I can’t really describe the whole episode here.. sorry)


rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

OMG!! Thank God you're alrite. Amacam la si Kalabau sekarang? Take care Hombi.

KaDusMama said...

OMG!!!!!!!! Thank god nothing happend to you..don't say such thing bout not posting in your blog anymore bah..ko nie hombi..

Anonymous said...

Thank God you're alright.. you are right?

The only thing that scare me about driving is other people. I can control the way I drive but I can't control others. Other people's stupidity can cause our lives sometimes. Anyway, be careful with idiots on the road.

Nika said...

OMG! Thank God ko teda pa2. Ko saturang ja ka masa tu. Sia faham tu Hombidai macam2 perasaan tu kan...banyak fikir pasal keluarga tu kan, bukan ja diri-sendiri... tapi orang2 yang kita sayang.

Hombidai said...

thanks aza & nika..i am okay now.

i agree with what you said aza..people stupidity can cause us our lives

ya.. sia saturang Nika.. tu lah fikiran melayang & mcm2 yg difikir.. tapi nasib baik nda apa2